A friend asked how ot fill the large Cannellonis so I have taken a picture while they were uncooked to show how they should look like and then as they were ready out of the oven : )
Here you go what you need for it:
500gr ( ½ Kilo)minced meat
1 large onion
3 fresh tomato
1 tsp fresh crushed garlic
2 tblsp tomato paste
3 packs crème fraich(light sour cream)
salt and red chilli to taste
½ tsp oregano
½ tsp kräuter der province (it's a very good Italian herb)
250gr grated cheese
3 tblsp oil
-Cut onion in cubes, fry transparent,
-Crush in fresh garlic and stir a bit so the garlic does not burn brown it gives a very nice smell, add in the minced meat and fry (bhoon) till it changes its colour a bit whiteness ok.
-Now add in the tomatoes cut in fine cubes and mix all, let the water dry,
-Mix the spices and the tomato paste in ¼ cup of water and add to the minced meat,
-Mix well and let it cook No water just let it cook in the tomato juice and that ¼ cup water or it will smell raw ok.
-It should be a bit watery or it won’t bind well.
-Once its ready sprinkle the oregano and the k.d..province and let it cool
-Whisk all the crème fraiche in a bowl so that it‘s handy
-Now take a baking dish, spread one pack of crème fraiche in the tray,
-Fill in the cannelloni only till half with a small spoon and place the cannelloni side to side
cover it with more minced meat and crème fraiche, another shift in the same manner and on the last one the rest minced meat and crème fracihe.
-Take care that all the cannellonis should be covered with cream or it will stay uncooked as we are not boiling the cannelloni and are using it as it is ok.
-Spread a good amount of cheese on the top and bake it in the preheated oven on 180° for at least 50 mints as it has to cook slowly.
-If u feel the cheese is turning brown soon just cover it with a piece of Alou-foil.
-Prick in a knife to see if the cannelloni are done.
Don't keep them too long before serving as they can turn a bit hard then :)
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